Monthly Nutrition Program



A practical monthly family meal plan for busy parents.


What is included:

  • 4 complete weekly nutrition menus for the whole family
  • 4 shopping lists for each week
  • Daily meal plan with 3 main meals (breakfast – lunch – dinner) and 2 snacks
  • Nutritious recipes suitable for young children as well as the whole family
  • Ready snack options
  • Tips for storing and properly managing food
  • Information on children’s nutrition (tips for trying new foods, nutritional goals, etc.)

How will it help you?

The monthly program that you will receive includes a complete nutrition menu, properly designed to meet the needs of the whole family and for ages 2 years and up.

But if you have a younger child, don’t worry! I’ve got you covered here too, giving you some tips to help you deliver one properly balanced meal for younger ages, even for infants 6 – 12 monthsHowever, it is not a guide on how to offer the meals (puree or BLW), how to introduce allergens, etc.

If you ask yourself every day “what should I cook today?”, or “how many times should I give meat, chicken, fish a week?”
If you want to learn how to plan a nutritious menu for the whole family or how to offer a variety of foods…

Then this program is for you!

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